This June: In the Luminary Braintrust, we’re hosting a series on common ways we sabotage our own activism and publishing it here on Substack, free to the public. Expect more frequent emails through this series in June. We’ll return to weekly updates in July.
As the main character of our universe, your job is to rescue everybody
Let’s take inspiration from nefarious pillars of the kyriarchy such as ‘Anti-Slavery Activist’ Charles Jacobs, ‘Digital Philantropist,’ Mr. Beast, and ‘Humanity’s Neediest Savior,’ Elon Musk.
Welcome to the ultimate guide on derailing inclusion and justice in your community.
Follow these steps to master the art of sabotage by maintaining the status quo and solving all problems the traditional super hero way — whether we asked for your help or not.
Sabotage everything - it’s so easy you’re already doing it!
Click through to the second guide on our series to learn:
How to build your reputation and secure bragging rights
Stay busy solving the problems of everyone you know
Let your superior intuition override the experiences and feelings of others
Pro tips to intrude upon and confuse your collaborators
Common mistakes, pitfalls & counter-sabotage to watch out for
Coming up next
This June, The Luminary Braintrust support group by Raising Luminaries hosts a series of articles on how to stop sabotaging your own activism. We’ve decided to share it here for free in the Ignition Notes for everybody. Both because it’s important, but also, because it’s funny.
So I’ll be emailing much more frequently in June before we return to weekly updates in July.
You could try and rescue the world on your own - but you don’t have to
“I really wanted some kind of social connection, a support system. I've felt lonely and socially isolated, in the context of the pandemic - it dramatically narrowed the number of people I felt I could connect with.”
“The summer collective was this combination of really basic ‘how to human’ skills that I desperately needed and didn't realize I didn't have. Including specific ‘how to activism’ skills - but they're also more broadly useful for how to collaborate. How to identify what you bring, what's complementary for this collaboration, and how to set clear expectations.“
- Alison L.
Quit your job as manager of everyone in the universe and all their problems - join the Raising Luminaries Summer Collective
If you’ve ever felt like it’s up to you alone to save the world, that every global tragedy is your personal responsibility to fix, you could dedicate this summer to finally figuring out who really are responsible for and how to show up for them effectively.
“Oh not me, I’m not qualified!” Said everyone who has joined us for the past three years.
If you care for others as a parent, educator, or mentor, and you’re struggling to care for others while creating a world worth inheriting, you belong with us.
With you,
Use the code JUNE15 for $200 early registration discount before June 15. Or check out the Raising Luminaries sliding scale for extra help.