Expect more frequent emails from this series in June. In the Luminary Braintrust, we’re hosting a series on common ways we sabotage our own activism and publishing it here on Substack, free to the public. We’ll return to weekly updates in July.
React to everything, change nothing
Today we take advantage of interruptions and derailments, learning how to completely upend your long-term plans and drag everyone into a wake of hysteria alongside you.
For our third Sabotage Strategy, we inform our quick response on the adaptive behavior of livestock birds.
Known for their rapid reaction times to sudden threats, guinea fowl are famous for their loud, panicked calls and erratic behavior.
At first glance, you may think this type of startle response is haphazard, counter productive, and silly. This is not a strategy to survive predators, either natural or legislative!
When encountering a predator, a loud noise, or even a scary bug, guinea fowl react in the moment by screaming and scattering in all directions, sometimes running into each other, sometimes into walls.
But consider long enough and you start to recognize the similarities between us colonial-era Instagram humans and these highly social birds bred for their meat and utility as a grain-powered gate alarm.
Sabotage - it’s so easy you’re already doing it!
Click through to the third guide on our series to learn:
How to stay over-scheduled and under-prepared
Awareness: How to stay hip to current events
Forming impressive hot-takes for attention and clout
Cardio tips to intimidate and confuse your collaborators
Pitfalls, risks, and why they’re actually okay
If you’re too busy to reclaim your time…
Join Summer Luminator, where we stop spinning our wheels and learn how to truly make a deep impact without derailing the revolution.
By creating a responsive plan of action and learning to delegate the work, we find easy ways to say 'no' to derailments and reclaim our time, energy, and attention.
Use the code JUNE15 for $200 early registration discount before June 15. Or check out the Raising Luminaries sliding scale for extra help.
Coming up next
This June, The Luminary Braintrust support group by Raising Luminaries hosts a series of articles on how to stop sabotaging your own activism. We’ve decided to share it here for free in the Ignition Notes for everybody. Both because it’s important, but also, because it’s funny.
So I’ll be emailing much more frequently in June before we return to weekly updates in July.
Meanwhile - check out this June’s Quick Actions, which I can’t even remember creating because I’ve been practicing the sabotage strategy of trying to be all things for all people at all times.
See? I practice what I preach.