Weaponizing Trickster Energy & Free Burnout Recovery Workbook
Next steps for caregivers struggling to get out of bed in the morning
Hey friends,
It’s 2pm, and I still haven’t gathered enough spoons to get out of bed today. But my window says it’s a lovely sunny day, and I’m trying to convince myself to go for a walk.
So, instead of wasting time writing some convincing reason why you should keep scrolling and clicking and exploring the stuff below, I’m gonna trust that you’ll keep scrolling and clicking and find at least one delightful thing that will get you out of bed and into the sunshine this month.
New from the Luminary Braintrust
We wrapped up our Transitions Collab Lab this month and started the new Trickster Resistance Lab. I hope you’ll join the chat group because I’d love your thoughts!
(please don’t try to catch up on old conversations – leap in, and we’ll catch you up!)
Aside from that, our only urgent deadline-esque item is that enrollment for the Winter Incubator closes on 12/31/24, and we have one spot left. Members who registered early got to pick the schedule, but we have a good range of gathering times, so I hope you can join us this year.
If you’re an active LBT member, log in to the portal to view a special members-only discount code for the Winter Incubator and a few other perks.
Not a member yet? Join us!
Free Workbook: Recovering & Preventing Caregiver Burnout
The first chapter of our Winter Incubator examines our complicity in hustle culture, capitalism, and hyper-individualism.
This bonus activity, Recognizing Burnout, riffs off our compulsion to perform care work even when it’s harming those we love.
As a holiday gift, I’m sharing this workbook for free through December before we return it to the Winter Incubator Resource Library.
But we *both* know you need more than a workbook to break toxic habits you’ve spent decades building. Overworked caregivers need a time-limited excuse to sit down and reorient their thoughts. If you don’t want to download this workbook and let it collect dust in a folder, unused for years, join our friendly group of caregivers so we can do this work together.
Registration closes on 12/31 or when we fill the one spot left, whichever is soonest.